Announcement : 

SchooI Board Parent Election 2022 – nominations close on Wednesday 3 August at 12 noon. Election day is Wednesday 7 September. Please follow this link for more information:

Newsletter – Week 4, Term 1 2024

                                         Week 4, Term 1, 2025

Tēnā koutou te whānau,

In 2025, our focus remains on strengthening connections and understanding to support student learning, progress, and achievement.

We are looking forward to you joining us for Whānau Conversations, a valuable opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher. These conversations allow you to share insights about your child, while the teacher provides updates and strategies to support their learning journey.

To make the most of this kōrero, please remember to complete and bring your Connection Sheet. Your input is invaluable, and we look forward to working together to support your child on their learning journey.

 Ngā mihi nui,
Vicki Parkins, Principal – Tumuaki (

Coming Up @BDS

Wed 26 Feb – Whānau conversations, 3.20 – 6.00 p.m
Thurs 27 Feb – Whānau conversations, 3.20 – 6.00 p.m
Wed 5 Mar – Yr 6 Camp (returning Fri 7th)
Mon 10 Mar – Yr 5 Camp (returning Tues 11th)
Wed 12 Mar – PTA Jester’s Pie day / Cricket day
Thurs 13 Mar – Yr 5&6 Swimming Sports
Wed 19 Mar – School Board meeting, 6.00 p.m
Tues 25 Mar – Yr 3 Howick Historical Village (2 classes)
Wed 26 Mar – HPPA Swimming day
Wed 26 Mar – Yr 3 Howick Historical Village trip (2 classes)
Fri 28 Mar – Cricket final day / No Uniform day
Wed 2 Apr – PTA Jester’s Pie day
Tues 8 Apr – Powhiri, 10.00 a.m
Fri 11 Apr – ANZAC Special Assembly / Last day of Term 1

School Pick-Up Reminder

To ensure a smooth and focused end to the school day, we kindly ask whānau to wait outside rather than in the corridors. This helps to minimize noise while children collect their bags and allows teachers to continue their lessons without disruption.

If you need to come into school before 2:50 pm, please sign in on the iPad at the office. This is important for safety reasons, including in case of an evacuation.

Thank you for your support in keeping our school environment calm and safe for all tamariki.

Parent Interview Booking – ESOL

A reminder that if you have a child who attends ESOL classes, you can book a time to meet with Mrs Keenan as well as your child’s class teacher.


Student Leaders

Over the past three weeks our Year 5 and 6 students who applied to be student leaders have completed a series of tasks to help decide who would be our House Leaders, Councillors, Ambassadors, and Peer Mediators. The students had to complete an application form, take part in a series of team-building activities and those who wanted to be considered for a House Leader position attended group interviews.

After much deliberation, the students below have been selected. Mrs Jeffs, Mrs Keenan, Miss Young, and Mr Insley would like to congratulate those students who have been selected and give a big thank you to all of the students who applied. These students will receive their badges at assembly this week.

House leaders 2025





 Ryker McCallister-Lee 

Amelia Berkett

Rafa Zhao

Reuben Tate

Nikit Nandan

Isla Jones

Lisa Huang

 Michael Booth 

Mila Ritchie

Cooper Ellis

Vivaan Sharma

 Wynand Bloem 

Shane Hwang

Tegan Andrew

Enoch Liu

 Flynn Hodgson 

School Councillors 2025

Year 5

Year 6

Logan Hunter

Luke Buckley

Sophie Klee

 Skylah Hubbard 

Chevy Davis

Autumn Jacobs

Jon Wu

Tiana Parsons

Levi Perry

Mia Jack

 Hasrat Dhillon 

Lance Miguel

Ambassadors 2025




Charlie Gao

Gloria Wang

 Sebastian Birchler 

Liah van Wyk

Joy Qu

Gabriella Venter

 David-Lee Bezuidenhout 

Liam Cho

 Lillias Fisher 

Claire Zhou

Peer Mediators 2025





Year 5: 

Jan Nieuwoudt

Henil Tailor

Adalyn Cox

Alexander Ong

Harper Timms 

Year 6:

 Stevie Lawerson 

Oscar Wong 

Year 5: 

 Julius Ming-Peterson 

Odette Apperley

Oliver Aye 

Lily McIvor

Aaryan Verma

Year 6:

Michael Joseph 

Huntr Bishton 

Samantha Tokai 

Year 5: 

Skylah Hubbard

Liam Cho

Aryan Karthick

Sebastian Zuo

 Helaina Jamalidogahe 

Year 6:

Scarlet Chen 

Nathan Christians 

Year 5: 

 Ashley Cajayon 

  Micah Harrison 

Advik Advik

Marcus Ismail

 Autumn Jacobs 

Year 6:

Ayden Sharp 


HPPA Softball

Play ball! Our school softball team had a fantastic day at the HPPA Interschool Tournament. We played four games and came away with three wins and a very close loss!

The team demonstrated our Botany Values well throughout the day; they played fair, respected the opposition, and gave their best efforts while they were on the field. There were some awesome hits and accurate pitching and a lot was learnt about the strategies of softball during the games.

Thank you to our amazing parent helpers and those parents who came to support on the day. We can’t wait to keep developing our skills during Wednesday lunch-time trainings. Well done team!

Anna Marck, Softball Coach

A Big Thank You to Our Wonderful PTA

Thank you to our incredible PTA for their amazing efforts in organising and assisting with our Bake Sale. A special shout-out to the Year 5 and 6 parents who generously provided delicious baking and food. Your contributions, along with the $1 donation from parents, are crucial in helping keep camp costs down, ensuring all our tamariki can take part in this wonderful opportunity. We truly appreciate your ongoing support.

Calling… Parent Helpers!

Are you able to help out in classrooms (anytime between 8:30 am and 10:30 am) with tasks such as sharpening pencils, cutting out activities, general organising of resources and activities ready for the day’s learning?

If you have some time available during the school week to come in and help out in your child’s class then please email with your contact details and when you are free!  Thank you.

Joanne Hughson DP/SENCo Year 0-3

2024 School Magazine –
Limited Copies Available

A few extra copies of our 2024 School Magazine are available for purchase from the school office for $20 each. If you’re interested, please email the office to secure your copy before they’re gone: Trish Toussaint, Executive Officer 

Calling for Red Bottle Tops!

We are collecting red bottle tops from cream bottles for an exciting mural project. If you have any at home, please send them to the school office. We have a small number so far and would love to have more. 

Tanya Jacobs, STEAM Teacher (

School Assembly

We invite you to attend our school assembly on Friday at 9.10 am. We will be presenting our Botany Best Certificates and Values Bookmarks. This week our item will be from Year 3 – Rm 27.

Our BDS Values

Congratulations to the following tamariki who have displayed our value of Relationships, Whanaungatanga: Ethan Pope, Katya Troussova, Amelia Mun, Archie Brown, Reshitha Perera, Kaeson Moodley, Victor Phanwa, SJ Sieleelea, Mila Ritchie,  Ozias Su’a, Ariyan Atrushi, Ruoxi Wang, Natalie-Mae Tokai, Yasser El Chami, Fedya Chibel, Oliver Wu, Isla Jones, Samantha Tokai, Leo Han, Cynthia Liang, Odi Hika, Annieheta John, Jasgun Mavi & Mia Cajayon.

Our Capabilities

Congratulations to our following tamariki who have shown their Botany Best by displaying our Capabilities: Hope Smith, Lincoln Takaiti, Hope Avau, Jeson Wang, Hayley Bauer, Ava Shahsavari, Kade Hubbard, Francis Sekona, Wynand Bloem, Vion Lee, Charlotte Pitcaithly, Ilaisaane Faletau, Jennifer Wu, Oliver De Bruin, Ashley Cajayon, Zayne van Niekerk, Zion Ewe, Lance Miguel, Tiana Parsons, Rehoboth John, Demi Tseng, Thevindu Manikkuwadura, Sujin Yu & Datis Bassam.

PTA – Fruju Friday!

Fruju Friday is back!Pay via Kindo by midnight Thursday or bring cash on the day.  Frujus ($2) and icepops ($1) will be sold each Friday after school outside the staffroom until the end of term.

Fun & Learning @ BDS

Year 2 – Room 3 children have been busy settling into Year 2 with new learning and experiences. We have been enjoying our swimming lessons, how to look after and find books in the library with Mrs Hatley-Owen, and learning how to throw small balls with Mrs Marck.


Children Turning Five – Enrolment 

If your child is turning five before June 2025 please ensure you
enrol them as soon as possible.

We are planning for classes and teachers into 2025 and this is made much easier if we have accurate numbers of new entrants even as far ahead as the middle of next year!  Thank you.

Please collect your enrolment pack from the office, or email 

Joanne Hughson DP/SENCo – Year 0-3 (



Fantail Pippins and Arawhai Brownies currently have space to take more girls aged 5-9.5 years, keen to join in on the fun that GirlGuiding NZ has to offer.

We offer a non-competitive learning environment that is open-minded and values-based. It’s a supportive place to grow confident, adventurous girls who are ready to be tomorrow’s leaders. We offer a programme where the girls themselves have a say in the activities they get to participate in and offer experiences like camps, crafts, and real-life experiences, rewarding them with badges as they learn new skills.

To register your interest and find out more about our rewarding programme, complete the form found here: Register Your Interest – GirlGuiding New Zealand – You be the Guide!

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