Kia ora koutou BDS whānau, Week 10, Term 2, 2023
Term 2 has been such a successful term – our calendar has been full and our tamariki have been fully engaged in their learning and happily playing with their friends. Please see below where we showcase our sports and artistic talent for week 9. Thank you to our staff and parents who have made these events possible. Our final week is also busy and very exciting, culminating with our learning conversations, second-hand uniform sale, and our Matariki celebration on Friday: details are further down in the newsletter.
Week 10 is Support Staff Week where we give an extra special acknowledgement of our amazing support staff: Mrs Toussaint our executive officer; Mrs Bishop our office administrator; Mrs Hatley-Owen our librarian/resource/communications; Mr Laloli our caretaker and our teacher aides: Mrs Willetts, Mrs Hartnoll, Mrs Marston, Mrs Ferguson, and Mrs Agius. These dedicated staff are so appreciated for all that they do and they are very much part of our BDS staff whānau. Thank you all.
At the start of Term 4 we will open another classroom of Year 0 Students in Room 15. We are very fortunate to have Mrs Radue and Mrs Andrews returning from 2022 as our start-up Year 0 Teachers again for 2023.
We are very pleased to welcome back to BDS Mrs Tineke Oed who will be teaching in Room 4 for Term 3 while Miss Sophie Hill travels to Europe for her O.E. Have an exciting time Miss Hill and we all look forward to seeing you back in Term 4.
We have an additional Teacher Only Day provided by the Ministry of Education for staff to develop their understanding and implementation of the new Curriculum. This will be the same day as Howick Intermediate, Monday 13 November.
Wishing you all a relaxing, happy time with your whānau in the school holidays.
Ngā mihi nui, Vicki Parkins, Principal – Tumuaki (
Coming up @ BDS…
Wed 28 June – Learning Conversations: 3.20 – 7.30pm Wed 28 Jun – Second-hand Uniform Sale: outside the hall 3.15 – 5.00pm Thurs 29 June – Learning Conversations: 3.20 – 5.10pm Thur 29 June – Second-hand Uniform Sale: outside the hall 3.15 – 5.00pm Fri 30 June – Matariki celebration Fri 30 June – Last day of Term 2 Mon 17 July – First day of Term 3 Mon 17 July – PTA meeting Wed 19 July – Howick Int coming to visit Yr 6 Fri 21 July – Yr 6 Museum trip Wed 26 July – Somerville Int coming to visit Yr 6 Wed 2 Aug – PTA Jester’s Pie day Tues 8 Aug – HPPA Cross-country Mon 14 Aug – ICAS English Tues 15 Aug – Senior speech final
Matariki Celebration – This Friday
Tēnā koutou e te whānau,
We are thrilled to announce that our school will be hosting a Matariki celebration on June 30th (last day of term), commencing at 10:00 am and concluding at 10:30 am. We extend a warm invitation to all whānau to join us for this special occasion. The festivities will begin with a performance by our Senior and Junior Kapa Haka at 10:00 am, held outside the hall. Following the performance, you will have the opportunity to admire the beautiful artwork crafted by your tamariki in their classrooms. Finally, we will gather for a shared morning tea.
Matariki, also known as the Māori new year, symbolises a time of celebration, growth, and rejuvenation. It offers us a chance to come together as a community, honouring our whānau, sharing kai (food), exchanging stories, and singing waiata (songs).
In preparation for this special event, we kindly request that our tamariki contribute to the shared morning tea by bringing either a packet of store-bought biscuits or whole fruit during the last week of school.
We look forward to celebrating another successful term with you all.
Michelle Takaiti (
Mid-Year Reports
Our mid-year reports have been sent home today and can be found in your child’s school bag.
Our mid-year report indicates the curriculum level your child has attained against the expectations of the New Zealand Curriculum in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics at mid-year. The expected level is a green bar and your child’s level is indicated by a black dot. The report also indicates how well your child demonstrates their Key Competencies, and Effort in their work.
Teachers have spent a number of weeks gathering data and moderating together to ensure these levels reflect your child and their progress. We look forward to seeing you at the Learning Conversations on either Wednesday or Thursday.
Bookings for Learning Conversations are made online; please see the following for more information:![](
PTA Second-Hand Uniform Sale
This a reminder that the PTA is holding a second-hand uniform sale this week: Wednesday and Thursday, 3.15-5.00pm, outside the hall. Cash or EFTPOS.
We need extra people to help run the sales, if you are available to assist for a half-hour block while the sales are running please email
Winning House of the Term – Free No-uniform Day Thursday 29 June
Congratulations to Batten House who have earned the most house points this term. All children who are in Batten House (green) have a free no-uniform day this Thursday 29 June as a reward.
Students are awarded house points for competing in the House Competition Day, sports events such as the Cross Country, and for showing their Botany Best in class and around the school. Well done Batten!
Dance Festival
Last Wednesday our two dance groups performed in the Dance Festival at Somerville Intermediate. Both our Year 3/4 group and Year 5/6 group performed their amazing dances and shared their love of dance with everyone. Thank you Mrs Jeffs and Miss Smith for your hard work in creating these great performances.
Some of our wonderful Year 5 and 6 students participated in the HPPA Hockey Fun Day at Llyod Elsmore on Tuesday 20th June. They were able to grow their hockey skills and both teams displayed awesome enthusiasm, super sportsmanship, and they all tried their Botany BEST!
Thank you to our amazing parent helpers for transporting the students on the day and for their great sideline support!
Sophie Hill, Hockey Coordinator (
The Botany Bears worked hard to be the winners at the Grand Finals game on Thursday 22nd June. Excellent teamwork and even better commitment from the parents and whānau. Until next term!
Sojung Yoon, Basketball Coordinator (
Calling for Help – Road Patrol Supervisors
We need your help please to supervise our road patrol students. If you are available for either of these times please email me:
We need help for: Monday and/or Thursday afternoons 2.45-3.15
Thank you! Kylee Holmes, Road Patrol Coordinator
ICAS Assessments
Thank you to those students have signed up and paid for this year’s ICAS assessments. If you would like your child to borrow practice papers for preparation, please email Mr Insley (Deputy Principal):
Please note the testing dates below for Term 3:
English – Monday 14th August Science – Tuesday 22nd August Maths – Wednesday 30th August
World Vision 40 Hour Challenge
Congratulations to all of the students who took part in this year’s World Vision 40 Hour Challenge. WELL DONE! Please remember to collect your sponsorship money and return it to the school office in a named, sealed envelope along with your sponsorship booklet.
Mark Insley, Deputy Principal (
BDS in the News…
Follow this link to see the article in the Howick and Pakuranga Times about our Kāhui Ako leadership day – Howick Coast Kāhui Ako
Children Turning Five
If your child is turning five in the next six (6) months please ensure you enrol them as soon as possible. Our roll is steadily growing and we need to plan for classes and teachers during the year.
Please collect your enrolment pack from the office, or email
Joanne Hughson DP/SENCo – Year 0-3 (
Learning and Fun @ BDS
Year 1, Room 9 – We have been learning about Matariki. In our art sessions, we have made kites and stars using paints and pastels to hang up in our classroom. In writing, we have all made our own Matariki wish. Here is a photo of our awesome Matariki wishes on our stars.
My Matariki wish is to be a good swimmer. Aahana Perera My Matariki wish is to be a superhero. Ethan Du My Matariki wish is to play rugby. Athena-Lyn Parkin
Year 5, Room 11 – Maths Learning. As part of our measurement maths topic, we have been learning and practising telling the time on analog and digital clocks. We had fun using a variety of games to help reinforce our learning – Bingo, Snap, I Have Who Has, and Dominos.
Matariki in the Library
The library was busy at lunchtime with students creating Matariki stars to add to our display galaxy…
Fun, FREE Holiday Activities
There are always lots of things happening in Auckland libraries over the school holidays. Follow this link to find some fun: School Holiday Events